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  • Writer's pictureScott Behson

Father’s Day is Over. Don’t Forget About Working Dads


The Working Dad’s Survival Guide was featured nationwide on NBC News

It’s no secret why I launched The Working Dad’s Survival Guide (still Amazon’s #1 New Release in Job Markets & Advice!) just a few weeks before Father’s Day. This is the one time of the year when working dads’ concerns get the attention and publicity they deserve. In fact, lots of the media I’ve done was packaged as part of Father’s Day news items.

I’m proud of this work, but I think it would be a shame if the concerns of working fathers recede into the background, now that Father’s Day is over. After all, we are dads throughout the entire year.

Today, I’d like to share with you some highlights of the “media tour” that has accompanied my recent book launch (you can see a list of my many TV, radio, internet and press appearances and other coverage here). While many are couched in terms of Father’s Day, I hope we can all resolve to keep up our advocacy – for ourselves and for our common cause – throughout the year. I know I will. Click on the pictures to view the entire article or news segment.

TV: NBC News “Father’s Day Gift Ideas”

This segment ran on local NBC stations around the country

This segment ran on local NBC stations around the country

Radio: AM970 NYC- The Joe Piscopo Show- Father’s Day Preview


Joe Piscopo and I talk about Father’s Day and my book during NYC morning drive radio. My segment begins about 37 minutes in.

Quartz: Give dads a gift they can really use this Father’s Day: paternity leave


My article in Quartz ( expands on the importance of paternity leave, using Father’s Day as an entry point

Washington Post. On Parenting: What my millennial students taught me about work life balance and why we should all listen


My article in the Washington Post expands on the several concepts in the Working Dad’s Survival Guide.

These media appearances and articles may not have happened if not for Father’s Day. But it is up to all of us to ensure our stories are heard year round. Father’s Day may be over, but let’s not let the world forget about our concerns.

What do you think about the media coverage during the Father’s Day season as compared to the rest of the year? Let’s discuss in the comments.

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