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  • Writer's pictureScott Behson

Proud to Be Part of the White House Summit on Working Families

On Monday, May 12th, I will be a panelist at the NYC Regional event that is part of the White House Summit on Working Families.


I will be part of a panel of business leaders and academics exploring private-sector solutions for working families- how businesses can play a part in helping employees balance work and family. I have been asked to speak on work-family issues in general and on fathers’ concerns. There will also be a panel looking at public-sector and legislative solutions.

The headliners at this event are Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor to the President, Thomas Perez, Secretary of the US Department of Labor, US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, and NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio. Panelists include yours truly, executives from L’Oreal and Shake Shack, small business owners, NYS and NYC government officials, and public advocates for working families.

The Alexander Hamilton US Customs House in NYC. A nice place for a panel discussion!

The Alexander Hamilton US Customs House in NYC. A nice place for a panel discussion!

I’m excited to participate and will report on the event in future blog posts. But most of all, I’m highly encouraged that working families’ issues are now literally on the national agenda. (An upcoming Working Families Summit event, June 9th at the White House, where I will again be a panelist, focuses directly on working fathers’ concerns! Much more on this over the next few weeks).

Do you have any ideas or issues you feel I should be sure to bring up at the Summit? Please leave your ideas in the comments section.

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