Ricky Shetty of Daddy Blogger recently interviewed me for his blog and youtube channel.
The interview is about 17 minutes long, and we cover a range of topics:
General advice for dads
The different joys and challenges kids of different ages present for dads
Advice for new, first-time and expectant dads
Enjoying your kids
Light-saber battles
Building networks with other local dads (see related article here for more)
Juggling work and family
Dual-career couples (see here)
Negotiating for flexibility at work (see here)
Setting priorities about time and money (see here)
Protecting family time from encroachment by work demands/emails, etc. (see here)
The challenges faced by modern, highly involved working dads (see here)
How everyone (dads, kids, moms, society) benefits from involved dads
If you have the time, please watch. If the embed above does not work, try the following link: http://youtu.be/1F0iDd71trg
Thanks! Let me know what you think about any of these topics.
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