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Reader Reviews of The Working Dad’s Survival Guide

Writer's picture: Scott BehsonScott Behson

What do the first batch of reader reviews on have to say about the Working Dad’s Survival Guide? Thankfully, so far, really good things.

Hands down, the scariest and most exciting part of writing a book is launching it out into the world to see how the market, and more importantly, how readers react.

What if no one cares? Worse, what if people don’t like it?

I’m very happy to report that the early returns on The Working Dad’s Survival Guide are strong (It was initially the #1 Best Seller for Job Markets and Advice on Amazon). But more importantly, the book is out there helping people. Here’s what readers have to say about The Working Dad’s Survival Guide (now available as an e-book and audio book!) through their reviews on Amazon:

5 Star Reader Reviews:

If you’re a working dad, buy this book now!

I am a Working Dad to 2 teenagers. This is a must read for any Working Dad. So much of the writing out there today focuses on telling Moms how to balance work and family, but there was nothing for Dads! Now there is. Scott Behson uses his research and personal experience to provide very practical advice to Dads struggling to break the legacy of Dads work and Moms raise kids. Behson quotes many Dads in the book who have had both positive and negative experiences trying to balance work and family. Our kids need their Dads to be involved, and this book can help us do just that. There are stories, examples, and actual exercises you can do. Buy it for yourself, your husband, your Brother, your Son. I highly recommend!

As entertaining as it is intelligent

Finally! Scott Behson has given us a book about working dads. If you watched last year’s Super Bowl or you’re paying attention

  to recent trends, dads are hot right now. While women are leaning in at work, dads are finding their way back to the homefront. The only problem is, for the first time, men are trying to figure out a way to balance our prioritization of being more hands on fathers with remaining successful at work. It’s no easy task and there are pitfalls around every corner. That’s why Behson’s book is so important — it incorporates stories about real fathers with real problems and guides us through how to cope.This book is every bit as intriguing as it as smart, and it has arrived just as men come to the crossroads of finding the right blend of work and life.

Outstanding and thought-provoking

An outstanding book filled with thought provoking ideas and sound advice. You will enjoy the author’s sense of humor, and benefit from the exercises that promote self-reflection

Nobody knows dads like dads

What a terrific piece of work. Scott combines the savvy of an experienced father, the wit of a seasoned blogger and the academic discipline of a PhD to put together a piece of work that is at once inspiring, uplifting and practical. Being a dedicated father and committed professional can leave a man feeling like he’s floating in the middle of the ocean without a

compass. Scott opens up an entire world for the working dad, to show you that you aren’t alone. Sometimes getting through the challenges of work/life balance is as easy as a simple shift in perspective, and sometimes it requires some difficult decisions. Regardless, Scott puts it all together using the voices of people who have been there, because who better to help you find your bearings than those who have been in the trenches with you?

Great stories are shared by dads who navigated their way…

I wish Scott wrote this book 15 years ago when my sons were

younger. It was hard raising them having travel, or go to an office daily. “The Working Dad’s…” provides very practical career advice for those who are struggling to have a fulfilling family life. With clarity, he helps us to understand the sacrifice needed to find work/life integration or balance. Having conversations with employers is difficult and stressful, and Scott’s advice and examples guide us through the process. His suggestions are realistic and practical – helping us to manage our expectations while making progress. Great stories are shared from Dads who navigated their way to Work/Life integration through obstacles and failures. I totally identified with these men as I intentionally made non-traditional career choices to be available and engaged in raising my sons.

This is a great guide!

The wonderful thing about Dr. Behson is not only his pedigree but also his real experience as a working dad—the two go hand-in-hand to shape a very helpful, relatable book.

Road map for working dads

Working Dads Survival Guide combines success stories of real working dads with practical advice that finally gives new and expecting fathers a resource to navigating tough conversations with our parenting partners and our employers. Look forward to recommending to every working dad I meet.

This book is for moms, too!

As a busy working mother, I’ve always been focused on how I should survive and better balance my time with my young

children. Scott Behson’s book was an eye-opener for me, and allowed me to take a close look at the challenges and struggles that my husband faces as a busy and stressed working dad. The Working Dad’s Survival Guide is not just a book for dads to learn from, but for all parents, too (that means you, moms!)! It’s so important for moms to understand how their spouses struggle and the challenges they face as working parents. By working together and understanding each other, we can achieve more and survive together! Scott’s book offers a fantastic guide for dads to carve out important “me” time (something I now push my husband to do!), protect our precious family time, define work and family priorities, and so much more. Parenting is teamwork and Scott’s book lays out the groundwork for how dad’s can achieve optimal balance at work and at home, with the support and help of their spouses.


This is an excellent book. It’s clear that Dr. Behson has done the research and understands this topic at the highest of academic levels, yet in the book he presents the material in a supportive way that anyone could understand. He doesn’t lecture, he helps the reader understand, and then use the newfound understanding to improve their situation. We all want to be the best dads we can be, and Dr. Behson wants that fo us too.

I previously shared what work-life experts, best-selling authors, and fatherhood advocates had to say about my book. But the reactions of the working dads for whom I wrote the book are the most important. I couldn’t be more proud of these reviews. I hope they inspired you to buy the book, or, if you have already done so, write your own review on Amazon.

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