Fathers are more involved than ever. Fathers continue to face intense work pressures, inflexible workplace expectations- and are now feeling increased work-family imbalance and stress. A fantastic graphic from the NYC Dads Group and What to Expect shows the challenges men face today. The graphic illustrates why I am so passionate about fathers’ work-family challenges and the work we all need to do.
Welcome Thursday with Thirdpath Callers!
The guys at NYC Dads Group do incredible work. They have over 700 members throughout New York City- dads helping dads through peer support, new dad boot camps, meet-ups, podcasts, a great blog, and- nearest and dearest to my heart- information and resources for dads all over the country to start and grow their own dads groups (although I would rebrand them as BEER FIRES!)
NYC Dads Group recently partnered up with What to Expect, did some research on factors affecting fathers today (using valid data sources like Boston College’s “New Dads” study, Pew Surveys, and the Families and Work Institute), and presented the issues in one stunningly brilliant infographic. Here it is:
Please click “read more” to see this entire great infographic
(full picture after the jump)
This really sums it up.
Men are more involved than ever as fathers and at home. Men continue to face intense work pressures, inflexible workplace expectations, and are increasingly feeling work-family imbalance and stress.
My blog is intended, in some small way, to forward the conversation on these issues. The more dads issues are acknowledged and talked about, the better off we all- men, women, children, families, society- will be.
Have a great Father’s Day weekend, everyone!
What do you think about the issues facing dads today? About the above infographic? Let’s discuss in the comments section.
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