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  • Writer's pictureScott Behson

Watch This Great Webinar on Working Dads, Paternity Leave and Workplace Flexibility

My favorite tweets during the 4/24 Webinar for Working dads

My favorite tweets during the 4/24 Webinar for Working dads

On Friday, April 24th, I had the pleasure of participating in a fun and informative webinar, “The Modern Dad’s Juggle.”  Dina Bakst and Phoebe Taubman from A Better Balance, a legal advocacy organization promoting family-supportive workplace and social policy, Matt Schneider, the co-founder of the awesome City Dads Group, and I discussed an array of topics regarding modern fatherhood, work-life balance and the challenges posed by the workplace.

The webinar is well worth your time. Dina and Phoebe take the lead in the first half discussing the legal ins and outs of paternity leave, workplace flexibility and caregivers’ rights. I feature more in the second half with information on how working dads can navigate workplace culture and advocate for ourselves and our fellow dads.

Finally, thanks to City Dads, Dad 2.0, The Handsome Father, and Life of Dad for sponsoring and marketing this event.

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