“The good news is that when anything—even something as asinine as Wednesday’s debate—gets America talking about paternity leave, it is significant progress.” -from my 4/4 WSJ article
Welcome to Fathers, Work and Family
I hope you enjoyed the segment about Daniel Murphy’s paternity leave on CBS This Morning, and my follow-up article on the Wall Street Journal Online. I am thrilled by the media attention on fathers’ work-family issues.
Thank you for visiting my site. For those of you who are visiting Fathers, Work and Family for the first time, feel free to have a look around- I write about a wide range of issues regarding work-life balance for fathers- not just baseball! Here’s a link to my “Greatest Hits;” links to my work at HBR, Good Men Project, Time and HuffPo up at the top of the page; category listings along the right-hand side; and of course, buttons you can use to follow Fathers, Work and Family via email, twitter or Facebook.