Even Better Than Being Santa Claus
Scott Behson, PhD
Professor, Author, Speaker, Consultant
Building Better Workplaces
That Work for Everyone
From 2012 through 2017, I authored the Fathers, Work, and Family Blog, the first and most prominent blog focused on helping fathers balance work and family and promoting more supportive workplaces. The blog is now shuttered, but is archived here.
Hey Dads! This Christmas, Give the Gift of You
How to Survive a Snow Day
On Preventing Work (and Blogging) from Stealing Family Time
A Blueprint For Discussing Work and Family Priorities
Calling a Time-Out on Fantasy Football
Regular Exercise Can Help Us Be Better Dads
The Challenges and Opportunities of Fathers, Work and Family, All in One Awesome Graphic
The Pew Research Report, Breadwinner Moms, Misleading Headlines and the Challenges of Dual-Income Ho
How We Maintained Work-Family Balance During a Spike in Work Demands
Making Memes: Staying Connected To My Son While Away On Business Travel
My Interview with “Daddy Blogger” on Work-Family Balance for Dads
Taking A Break From Parenting Benefits Everyone (or, In Praise of “Me” Time For Dads)
Expert Perspectives: The Dual-Career Mojo that Makes Couples Thrive
Taking My Own Advice on Fatherhood, Work and Family (or, helping my wife Lean In)
Recent Pew Survey Shows Progress and Challenges for Dads’ Work-Family Balance
A Working Parent’s Guide to Surviving a Snow Day
Taking Turns to Balance Work and Family
Why Valentine’s Day is Especially Important for Dads
Two Incomes are Better Than One*