I am very grateful that, in the first month and a half of FWFblog, we’ve built a readership and community. According to WordPress.com’s site statistics, FWF is at over 2000 page views- that’s over 130 views per post. Thank you for coming to the blog, and especially for coming back.
But I’m not satisfied with a small but growing active readership- I want world domination! a large and growing active readership!
Maybe this cute picture of me and Nicky will persuade you to support the National Fatherhood Initiative
In my day job, I’m a management professor, so I always teach my students about the power of goal-setting and well-aligned incentives. So, I have set a goal for the blog: 100 readers who follow the FWF through email, Twitter or WordPress by the end of the year. Right now, we’re at 29, so we have a way to go.
To provide incentive, I will be donating $2 to the National Fatherhood Initiative for every reader who signs up to follow the blog by the end of the year. The NFI is a well-established, national not-for-profit whose mission is: “To improve the well-being of children by increasing the proportion of children growing up with involved, responsible, and committed fathers. We strive to ensure a brighter future for America’s youth. By equipping and educating fathers, we’re working on an issue that is at the core of our nation’s well-being.” They provide resources, training and skill-building workshops for fathers all over the country, and pay special attention to helping military families and those in low-income communities. This seems like an appropriate charity for FWF and something we can all get behind.
..But wait, there’s more!!!, if we can reach the “100 follower” goal, I will double my donation. This means that, with your help, we can raise $400 for the National Fatherhood Initiative.
Signing up is easy. There are two links to the right hand side of your screen, one for twitter (for the cool kids), one for email (for the rest of us). If you are a wordpress user, you are just a click away at the very top of the screen. (one added benefit- the more people sign up, the less I will harass everyone on facebook or LinkedIn)
I am so incredibly grateful for your support. Now let’s do something really positive together!!!
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