For Father’s Day, this intrepid fatherhood advocate is (mostly) taking the day off.
First, a quick note of gratitude to my father.
Dad, you gave me the greatest gift a son could ever receive- a foundation of love and support that gave me the confidence to pursue my dreams and build a successful life. My dearest wish is that when Nick grows up, he and I will have the kind of relationship that we have.
Thanks, Dad, for all you have meant and continue to mean to me
For some Father’s Day content I co-created with other dads, see What Dads Really Want for Father’s Day at the Good Men Project:
All I want for Father’s Day is this. To hold on to this moment for a little while longer. My son is happy and healthy and doing great. He’s the joy of my life, and he will only be 8 for such an achingly short time. My wife is fantastic, and things are good at work and home. I feel so blessed and fortunate and full. I just want to soak it in and remain in this moment for as long as I can.
…and Designer Daddy’s Father’s Day Collection of Kids’ Art (featuring Nick’s 2011 “self-portrait with crayon, marker and colored tissue paper on cardboard”):
Nick’s self-portrait, age 6
Finally, I’ll share with you the card Nick made me last year. Best. Quote. Ever. “The galaxy is better with you and me“. He rocks, I’m so lucky not just to be a father, but to be his father…
Nick’s 2012 Father’s Day card to me
Preview for next week:
A guest post about building charitable giving into your life, and how this actually can help work-life balance
More Paternity Leave news from Major League Baseball