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Writer's pictureScott Behson

Listen to Fathers, Work and Family Over the Holiday Weekend

First, a happy 4th of July weekend to you all. I hope you have the opportunity to soak in some family time during the long weekend.

Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the long weekend.

Happy 4th of July. Enjoy the long weekend.

I’ll be taking the weekend off , but first perhaps I can provide you with some listening material.

Over the past few weeks, I’ve made a few more media appearances.


On Father’s Day, I was a guest on Left Jab Radio, Sirius/XM channel 127, with hosts Jon Aberman and Mark Walsh. Left Jab is a fun show mostly covering politics and current events with humor and a liberal slant. Don’t worry, my segment is totally apolitical. Thanks to Michael Goodfriend for reaching out to me.

Click here for the podcast– (to hear my segment, jump to the 26 minute mark of the hour-long broadcast, I am on for about 17 minutes)*


Also, on June 13th, I was the primary guest of an hour-long podcast hosted by the Thirdpath Institute as part of their “Thursdays with Thirdpath” series. John Badalament of and Matt Schneider from the NYC Dads Group also contribute some great conversation. You can click the link below for the audio*

Thirdpath Institute does a great job advocating for and providing resources for people and companies who want to pursue more balanced and integrated approaches to work and life. I am happy to be affiliated with them, and to have attended their recent Leadership Summit.

Enjoy the weekend, and I’ll see you on Monday with my next article.

* You’ll need a functioning version of Quicktime to listen to these

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